Monday, June 18, 2012

Can we just eat already!

450 square feet will definitely bring two people closer together, especially if they've just spent the last year and a half 225 miles apart. That's approximately 2 and a half hours of driving and a one hour ferry ride if you splurge and purchase a ticket for the fast boat, otherwise it'll be 2 hours on the ocean my friends. I'm sure you're wondering how two people that are use to their own space can coexist in such close corners. Well so far it's been quit simple. We both love to eat and since dining on the island will cost us a fortune we started cooking together. Which brings us to the whole point of us starting a blog... cheap delicious meals. Now I love Steak, burgers, chicken, sausage any meat that I can toss on a grill, but not Tiffany. She's more of a fish, vegetable, and fruit kind of gal so i doubt there will ever be a post with a T-Bone recipe. We're cooking through a book by Lauren Deen called Cook Yourself Thin Faster. I'm not very interested in dropping a dress size since I'm a dude but the meals are fantastic!!!
One of the first meals we ever made together is a southern classic, it's gritty and spicy!!!

3/4 cup quick 5-minute grits
1 cup skim milk
1 cup water
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
3 teaspoons olive oil
1 pint cherry tomatoes
1/4 teaspoon pepper
12 ounces medium shrimp, peeled and deveined
1-2 teaspoons hot sauce, or if you're like Tiffany WAY MORE!!!

1. Combine the grits, milk, water, and 1/2 teaspoon salt in a large saucepan, Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer, stirring occasionally, until they are creamy and soft. Stir in the Parmesan and remove from heat. 5 minute grits should only take? You got it 5 minutes!
2. In a large saute pan cook the tomatoes and the shrimp. Add a pinch of salt and pepper and saute for 3 to 5 minutes, until the tomatoes have collapsed and the shrimp are opaque and fully cooked. Add hot sauce to taste and once again if you're like T add MORE!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Nantucket or Bust

On June 3rd, 2012 Stephen and I took a leap of faith.  We packed his car with all of his belongings and moved him out to Nantucket.  Lovingly referred to by locals as ACK or The Grey Lady; Nantucket is a 14 mi. island 30 miles out to sea off the coast of Massachusetts, and I was anxious to have Stephen join me there.  I was so excited I bought us a pair of t-shirts to wear on the voyage.  Stephen being a good sport and equally dorky appeared thrilled.  His read, "Quit your job, buy a ticket, get a tan, fall in love, never return".  Mine simply read "Local".  Well the tan part we're still working on, but the rest remains accurate. :-)            ~Tiffany